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Thread: Gym Rats & Cigarette Smokers

  1. #1
    Registered User Jamaica Joe's Avatar
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    Gym Rats & Cigarette Smokers

    Although people on vacation at H2 tend to drink, eat, and party alot more than they would back at home, I've notice something interesting in my recent Trips. A significant group of guests is really into fitness, working out, and jogging to keep off the weight and maintain a desirable appearance...they will jog and use the H2 gym duirng their vacation despite the humidity and heat. Another signifcant group of guests seems to smoke alot of cigarettes, which suppresses the appetite and accomplishes much the same result. Both groups tend to avoid the dessert table and not eat alot (compared to other guests anyway) at H2.

    My observation is that there is less of the nudist "body-acceptance ethos" at H2 and more of the "body-sculpting so I can hook-up" mentality going on. Frankly, the body-sculpters do seem to get alot more action at H2 from what I have seen and experienced. (FYI-- I lose weight, work-out quite a bit, and tan before my Trips). What do you think?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamaica Joe View Post
    My observation is that there is less of the nudist "body-acceptance ethos" at H2
    Hedo is not really a resort for the true nudists, the open sexuality turns a lot of them off...N or Couples is a better fit for that demographic.

  3. #3
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    I think you make a good point about a significant number of guests being more body conscious than perhaps in the past, and it may be for the reasons you suggest.
    You might also want to note that this accentuation on fitness and a healthy lifestyle is being found more widely in general in society, in particular those people for whom time marches on.
    There is nothing contradictory about the ideal of a healthy lifestyle meshing with those who are in the "other lifestyle"... its an obvious complimentary fit.. so of course those who are in shape are more likely to find others with a similar viewpoint.

    Why would you expect anything differently?

  4. #4
    Registered User norcacpl's Avatar
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    As someone who considers Hedo ( coming home ). We do continue to use the gym because it is part of our regular lifestyle. And I do like my desserts too. Learned from our many times at home ( Hedo ) that the body is not all that people are interested in. Love being naked and enjoy making friends for life. Love participating in all the fun and conversation at the pool and having the best vacation ever.

  5. #5
    Registered User Jamaica Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunbabes View Post
    Why would you expect anything differently?
    The body consciousness seems more pronounced among guests than before, but I think it is more about appearances and hooking-up than good health. Strictly speaking, smoking, tanning salons, and certain aspects of the lifestyle (however fun) have very little to do with good health. I'm not being critical of anyone, just making the observation...even some of the people I've met during previous H2 Trips looked thinner (and better) this year.
    Last edited by Jamaica Joe; 03-25-2012 at 10:15 PM.

  6. #6
    Registered User fun4all's Avatar
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    I believe it probably depends on the groups you travel with & the time of year you go.
    Personally, I think if people are honest with themselves the majority will state they are (as am I) attracted to a well proportioned body in good shape. The entire world is becoming more fit, smoke free (tobacco) & very health conscience. It only stands to reason that the bodies would look better too. Possibly some of those overweight 1st time Hedo goers were a bit embarrassed & decided to give us something better to look at when they returned ;-)

    I think at this point it need to be emphasized that ALL BODY TYPES are accepted & welcomed. I have seen people in the process of reconstruction surgery & I myself have scars that I proudly walk around with. So whatever your body type concerns are, put them behind you if your considering this resort.
    Last edited by fun4all; 03-26-2012 at 08:19 AM.
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  7. #7
    Registered User chrisandlizvt's Avatar
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    I started going to Hedo when I was 39 ... my body image was not great then, but I look at the pictures now and not only do I look sweetly younger, but I am HOT! LOL Seriously, a little round on the edges, but doing fine. Back then (12 years ago, I'm 51 case math isn't your strong suit JK), I smoked cigarettes and ate whatever I wanted, plus was quite the drinker and had more than a passing acquaintance with various chemicals, I also went to the tanning salon regularly.

    Since then, I quit smoking a few years ago (boy was that difficult!!) and gained a bunch of weight in the process (the process took literally years!), I've also gotten (relatively for me) sober and am much more careful about my diet + I work out daily at home (not at Hedo) no more tanning salon. It's been a process getting healthy, and for me, it came with age. I think a lot of that has to do with people in my age bracket....if you're a serious party girl (drugs/drink/smoke kind of party) ... well, it can get old after years and the alternative for me, once I started getting healthy felt so that would be why I take better care of myself and my body has changed some ....rounder for many years, no finally losing some of that roundness.

    Feeling and being healthy is (mostly) my new high...and after 30+ years of being a party girl, it feels good!!!! And no, I don't skip dessert at Hedo or at home...a girl needs a vice or two...or three....or....

    Last edited by chrisandlizvt; 03-26-2012 at 08:34 AM. Reason: typos!
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  8. #8
    Registered User funlover's Avatar
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    i love that any shape and size is accepted at hedo, but for me personally, if i am not in the shape i feel good at,(which means working out regularly and eating right) i will not feel as good myself, which is no fun for anyone. the anticipation of going to hedo is what keeps me going to the gym, i am not one of those people who love to work out, i hate it, but as i am on the elliptical, i listen to my "hedo" music and keep at it!

  9. #9
    Registered User NickandKitty's Avatar
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    Some level of physcial fitness is required for my job as a fireman, and Kitty's nursing work keeps her in pretty decent shape too- for us the exercise we put in has nothing to do with hedo at all. Since we go in August, the beginning of the So Cal fire season, it's just a happy coincidence that my workouts and triathlon season have been ramping up to that point so I can do my job properly.
    I spoke candidly about cigarettes here a few years ago, so I will refrain as I don't feel like another 3 week long knock down drag out over the health issues associated with it. I do believe though, that lots of people who smoke all day at hedo don't smoke nearly that much at home- one of those "I only smoke when I drink" things I suppose.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Jamaica Joe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NickandKitty View Post
    I spoke candidly about cigarettes here a few years ago, so I will refrain as I don't feel like another 3 week long knock down drag out over the health issues associated with it. I do believe though, that lots of people who smoke all day at hedo don't smoke nearly that much at home- one of those "I only smoke when I drink" things I suppose.
    Nick (and the carcinogen free Kittty)tm
    I'm not a fan of smoking either, having lost relatives to lung cancer and having had other relatives suffer heart attacks related to smoking. Still, it does suppress the appettite which is why all the models seem to smoke like fiends (since they really can't eat). Hedo is about excess, I suppose...and everyone there is on vacation far away from home and any responsibilities.

    People are generally polite and nonjudgmental towards others. But I find that once I book a Trip to Hedo, I am very motivated to diet and workout at the gym so I look alot better nekkid by the time I arrive there. It is a formula that has always seemed to work out well for me!

  11. #11
    Registered User Buck's Avatar
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    Being a big boy i fight weight daily. Having no thyroid ( cancer ) i take meds to help my metabolism which mean its a bit harder for me. My way of thinking is this like me for who i am not what my gut looks like. I am good with who i am. Yes i do go to the gym and work out and do cardio it just takes me longer to get the weight off. We arent into the lifestyle so i am not trying to impress anyone there.

    aka BIG SEXY
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  12. #12
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    Definitely taking the workouts more seriously!!

    I've never been to Hedo (we are making our first trip in July...can't wait!!) so I can't speak to whether the crowds are getting buffer. As far as we're concerned, we both work out regularly and keep to a healthy diet as part of our regular lifestyle, but I must admit I've been working out harder and watching what I eat even more since we planned this trip. Nothing like knowing you'll be buck naked for 10 days to motivate you to tune up your physique! Not looking to be the hottest one there...just the hottest me I can be. Its not as much about how others see you as how it makes you feel about yourself...which coincidentally WILL affect how others see you.

    With what I've seen and read on the boards here, I doubt Hedo is turning into a place where only the beautiful people go, but I bet it does motivate a lot of us to hit the gym a little more often.

    Now, if I were to start taking male enhancement pills in anticipation of going to Hedo, that WOULD be a bad sign...:>)

  13. #13
    Registered User AcoupleforHedo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buck View Post
    Being a big boy i fight weight daily. Having no thyroid ( cancer ) i take meds to help my metabolism which mean its a bit harder for me. My way of thinking is this like me for who i am not what my gut looks like. I am good with who i am. Yes i do go to the gym and work out and do cardio it just takes me longer to get the weight off. We arent into the lifestyle so i am not trying to impress anyone there.

    aka BIG SEXY
    Sorry Buck, but there is not too many people looking at you when your sexy wife is around! She is beautiful!

  14. #14
    Registered User takemetonegril's Avatar
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    Gosh I love my Hedo friends, all shapes, sizes and attitudes.

    I work out at Hedo because it is a pleasure for me. It's hard to find the time at home to get to the gym. I have a very physical job which wears me out and makes me not want to go to the gym. While the physical job will give you some muscles, it won't do anything but increase the gut and nothing for the heart.

    I love working out in the heat and humidity, sweat everywhere, feeling strong. I swim early in the morning before it gets windy, you just can't do that at home on this iceburg. Forty minutes of tropical water under me, wonderful, and when I get done and in my beach chair for the rest to the day I feel entirely justified in getting completely fucked up if that's what I want to do because "I WORKED OUT", LOL

    Cheers all, see ya in three weeks
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  15. #15
    Registered User LV2TRAVEL's Avatar
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    I always say I'm going to stay on my work out schedule but then........sand gravity kicks my ass yet again :-/

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