Trip report, Hedo III, Jan 13-20, 2005

To have a second chance to visit a place that you talk about all year about is great! Where we live so far north, it is costly for us to travel to Hedo. But with our Air miles and the K-Rock radio land package for Hedo III, the trip was do able.

When we first booked the trip in October, the first thing that went thru our mind was; is it going to be as good as last year? We did not want to go and be sorry that we went and spoil the good memories from last year. Well, that we did not have to worry about! It was 10 times better than last year! What made it this, well I think 3 factors: 1) we decided that where this was going to be our last trip for a while (we want to start a family) that I was going to go and be a part of EVERYTHING! Amanda was ok with this, but made it clear that she would be on the side watching if there was an activity that she was not comfortable with. 2) meeting people (great people) before we went. 3) knowing your partner and establishing boundaries, with a good grey zone, on what can and cannot be done. I was in the grey zones a few times, but all is good mon.

Before we left, I took all the e-mails that we had with pictures and made a sheet with a little bit of info about the couple. This was a hit with everyone we met online before we went. In the last few days before we went, I was getting mail from people wanting me to add them to the list. But I did not have enough time to add them and mail it back out to everyone. So for those who do these web pages on who will be where when, think about adding pictures to the names.

The only problems that we had with Hedo was:1) the water pressure and temp in the bathrooms suck. The plumbing is rundown and needs to be fixed 2) the power went out a few times. It was strange to walk around the grounds and hear nothing while the power was out. 3) the prizes for the winners were down sized! Last year when you won something, you got a big bottle of rum, now you get a 300ml bottle. 4) we got cheated out of best PJ! We were dressed up in a theme (Homer and Marge Simpson), and everyone that saw us said we should of won. No hard feeling Emily and Claton. Last year they had 1st and 2nd place, this year it was just first place. 5) the cost on the resort pictures has doubled! From $7 to $15!!!! The pictures are cheaper for them now because they are all digital, but they charge you more. 6) trying to get in to the restaurants with a group of people was hard. Many times it was late at night and you would miss some of the entertainment. The places should open at 5, and close by10.

Here is a tip for people going: have a little note pad with you to take down names and e-mail addresses to get pictures. Little scraps of paper will get lost!!! If Tony and Yvonne from Mass. read this PLEASE e-mail us. Also making up little business cards with your info on it to pass out works good too.

As for the food, I always think that is a hit and miss. Everyone has different tastes A “good” salt shaker is hard to come by. The salt shakers are always full but nothing comes out due to the humidity. Some of the food tastes different but still good. This also goes with the hot tubs, the temp was never consistent from day to day, and even year to year.

Another great idea would be to bring own cup. Look for a super huge cup that can keep your beverage cold. The cups that they use to serve the drinks in are VERY small. You would have your drink finished by the time you got back to your lounge chair. They will fill up the large thermos no questions asked. Trust me I was very nervous getting them to fill my cup the first time. The staff did not bat an eye. It was great if you were getting a blender drink because it meant that your drink was always freshly made.

A great tip would be to buy plastic coil key holder to hold your room key. This can be picked up a dollar store or even office supply store. This allows you to put your room key on your wrist. Remember if you are on the nude side a lot chances are you will not have a pocket to put your key in. Otherwise the keys are so thin that they seem to get lost so quickly. Also a small bag or tote is a good thing as well to have with you. It’s great to store your room key, sunscreen and personal lubricant Who knows what could take place on the nude side? Oh the possibilities! Always come prepared . It will save running back to the room and missing a memorable moment at the poolside. Plus it can mark your lounge chair as well. There never seems to be enough chairs on the nude side.

The diving was good this year, when you could get out. I only got 2 days in before high waves took over for the rest of the week. But now they allow certified divers 2 tanks a day, one deep and one shallow. If you are not certified then you will have to take the class ($75 US, I think) but you can use this towards being cert. open water diver. They normally only do the early dive due to this new “rule” and that is at 9AM. The Shallow dive is at 10:30, but unless they have some paid students, it will not happen... or if you want to “take care” of the dive master a dive time can be arranged. Seeing that we paid enough for the trip, I choose to wait for the next day. I took a cheap underwater camera with me that had a flash. My pictures were 100% better than the ones I took the year before with the underwater Kodak camera.

So for all of you out there that are going to Hedo, start meeting people!! And do not wait until a week before to do this. Also if you are going to send pictures of yourself, keep the ones showing you bopping your wife to yourself, people want to see your faces, not your genitals!! Save that until you get to the resort and meet these people in person, then take wild pictures! If you are not in the lifestyle, do not worry, they are there for the same reasons as you, to have a good time. We are not in the lifestyle, but met many nice and loving couples, and later in life, we might open up that door. This is one of the few places and times that you will be able to really sit back and enjoy yourself and not have to worry what someone else might think, and that is VERY liberating!

Before I go, I want to give a few shout outs:

Len & Mary: guys I had lots of fun with you 2 in the short time. Too bad you missed Phil, but I hoped the pictures made up for it.

Don & Deb: I was really happy to see you! I wish you well and hope you come back in unharmed! I look for you on the nightly news! Was 18 days really long enough?

Nadia & Eric: Fellow Canadian, eh! I think you guys as wonderful people as well.

Allen & Pam: you guys were one of the couples on the bus with us. The battle of the sexes was a BLAST! And Pam I have not forgot about showing you what fellatio is. I hope I can take a rain check on that.

Tom & Sherri: I hope the house was in one piece and the kids did not do too much damage partying!

Michael (from Boston #1) & Adesholla: it was fun to meet up with you guys and sad to see you go. But what a birthday party!

Almost done....

Tony & Yvonne: I hope you were not too shocked at what you saw on your first trip to Hedo. I tried to warn you on the bus! It’s all good!

Mike & Sharon: how did we miss you guys last year??? You guys taught us a lot and we will not forget that. I meant to ask: What does it taste like?

Joe & Renee: remember to put your room key down on a chair during times of passion!

Jessica & Nick: how was the Bahamas? I hoped we all answered your questions and there were few surprises!

Peter & Lisa: Fellow divers! I hope your first married year goes as good as ours did! Going to Hedo is a fantastic way to kick off married life!

Luis (Mike from Boston #2) & Sheryl: Bro, we had some good times! I hope you have the picture of me taking the muff dive. You made it hard for us to get on that bus! Thanks guys!

Last but not least...

Bill & Nancy: last year Spike told us that if you come back next year you will see the same people. We were wondering if this was true, it is. It was REALLY wonderful to meet up with you again. Go Lakers!

I know I missed someone, sorry! We just met so many people this year by being active. We will be back! When? You tell us when.

Amanda & Kris (AKA Mike from Boston #3, and Julie the cruise director)