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Thread: What's YOUR sleep # ?

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    What's YOUR sleep # ?

    I was wondering. In the world of vanity that we live in, where on the looks scale do you prefer someone to be for YOU to sleep with them?

    Also, since we already know that variables like personality and responsibility and humor and all that good stuff comes into play, let's leave that part out for now and just give our preferences.

    I prefer 7's and 8's. There's just something about the 9's and 10's that I can't seem to attach myself to (no pun intended).

    I guess what I mean, is that a 9 or a 10, just seems "too much" and I like the really "real stuff," when it comes down to it. maybe I am intimidated by 10's. Who knows. You guys give some thoughts here.

  2. #2
    Registered User ScubaSteve's Avatar
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    My sleep number

    I would have to say my sleep number is a "10"

    Do the math, a woman who is a 4 plus 6 beers...........

    Before I get flamed.... Im kidding of course.

    Seriously though, looks are important as that is how we first judge someone. But for me, along with looks is as you mentioned, personality, sense of humour, and confidence.

    Those last three are worth at least 2 points each bringing that 4 right back up to a perfect "10"

    And to stereotype; Some of those 9's and 10's know how they are ranked and think to much of themselves.

    A female friend set me up with a pretty hot looking woman when we were going camping. She wasnt my type and resented me because I wasnt all over her like most other guys. And she demanded to know why. She may have not even been attracted to me but didnt like that I was hitting it off better with the other single nurses on the trip.

    BWilliams, not wanting to hi-jack your thread.....but
    Lets take it a step further.
    How would you rate yourself?

    Me thinks that I am a solid 8-3/4

    Ciao for now

  3. #3
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    I am a solid 7+. Slightly overweight, but in shape and eat well. Personality is pleasant, driven and adventurous. Good sense of humor and often the most outgoing at parties/events. Not sure what that adds to my 7, but that's me.

    I wanted to add that I was looking for people's preference, not who they are with, or what they would settle for. It's hypothetical and research only.

    My attraction has always been towards the 7's and 8's. I find the sexiest woman, the one who has a few deductions. A little extra tummy makes me crazy. Those 2% body fat types intimidate me lol.

    I LOVE IT when I see a 7, dressed sexy and working what she has. That may fall under the attitude, or effort category, not sure, but I love it. I always love to see potential maximized. Now that I think about it, it is the effort. We all pull for those who strive, or at least I do.

    If ten women walked into a bar and nine 10's were dressed for dinner and one 8 was dressed for slut night at Bkier Bob's, we all know where the eyes would be.

  4. #4
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    I'm a lucky man. I'm a 7-8 who's married to a 9 who thinks she's a 7. She still blushes whenever I tell her how hot she looks and what an amazing body she has. She was always chubby as a kid and into her late teens. In her 20s she got thinner, but mercifully, kept that padding in all the right places for me.

    In my past lives, my sleep number would be in the 7+ range. But that's just in looks. Like what's been said, looks are the first thing you see, but not necessarily what seals the deal for me. I'd honestly rather be with a 7/8 who I click with than a 9/10 who doesn't.

  5. #5
    Registered User ScubaSteve's Avatar
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    Very well said and I couldnt agree more.

    I would much rather be with a 9 who thinks she is a 7 (Modesty)

    Ciao for now,

  6. #6
    Registered User jm1974ri's Avatar
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    i prefer the 7-8 kinda person. BUT sometimes that someone is worse than a 9-10. its like going fishing.. you throw your line in and neva know what your gonna catch.
    i have serious

  7. #7
    Registered User BLKCPLEJUSBROWS's Avatar
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    I must admit I thought this thread was about something totally different.I thought it was your sleep number before arriving at Hedo

  8. #8
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    Two things I know:

    Beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.


    Why go for a 10 when I could for sure get five 2's.

    BTW, Emmy is definitely an 8 or 9.

  9. #9
    Registered User weliveinvegas's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by DonVon View Post
    I'm a lucky man. I'm a 7-8 who's married to a 9 who thinks she's a 7. She still blushes whenever I tell her how hot she looks and what an amazing body she has....
    I have to say after reading this post that you pegged it for me...who amongst us didn't marry up....

    Ivy and Rick
    "Once you go, you will know"

    Ivy and Rick
    "AWOL 2016, Let's Get Together"

    Next Trip: Hedo II, 7/23 to 7/30, 2016

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